Mexico’s Involvement in WW2

Mexico was definitely active and involved in World War 2. (I did not know this). The country sent an air force team, called the FAM, that supported the liberation of the Philippines from the air.  In 1942, a U-boat sank a Mexican oil tanker. Mexico filed a protest against Germany, who responded by sinking another tanker. In response to this, the president declared war on the axis power. At one point in 1943, President Roosevelt traveled to the country to convince the president to participate in the offensive as well. He agreed, but had to get permissions from the senate, which meant receiving the support of the citizens as well. How he went about gaining there support, is quite interesting. The FAM was given orders to stage an airshow, which became a success.

Mexico’s involvement in the war even goes back further than this. After the Pearl Harbor attack, they were one of the first to give support and aid. They also cut off all their diplomatic ties with countries who were a part of the axis powers.

Something else I found interesting in my search was that got some personal rewards from their decision to enter the war. American factories were being built in Mexico to help with the demand for wartime needs. The US started buying oil from the country, and the mining industry was built up. The US also provided weapons and training.

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Mexico’s Involvement in WW2

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